Air Fuel Torches & AccessoriesGas Welding Equipment
#KP-102Manufacturer: GOSS
Manufacturer #:KP-105
Manufacturer #:KP-105
Propane kits with pencil and brush tips
Kits contain a complete selection of high quality soldering and heating equipment
Includes AP-1 handle, EP-70G regulator, MP-1 lighter and HEF-10 hose and tip listed.
Quiet, adjustable brush flame
Screw-in design fits Goss AP-1 handle
Kit No. Tip No.
KP-102 BP-2
KP-105 BP-5
Tip No. Flame Diameter Soft Solder BTU’s @ 40psi
BP-1 Pencil 5/8″ To 1/2″ 6,000
BP-2 Pencil 1″ To 1-1/2″ 11,000
BP-5 Brush 1-3/8″ To 4″ 57,000
BP-6 Brush 2″ To 6″ 300,000
In stock