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#XT-IR.Manufacturer: ATLAS-LENCO
Manufacturer #:XT-IR


The Atlas Model 1200 PIPEMATE is a versatile, dual speed powered pipe roller unit that helps welders produce faster, cleaner welds with a minimum of manual handling.

The PIPEMATE supports and smoothly rotates 1.5″ to 17″ diameter pipe or tube for tack and finish welding. A built-in broad spectrum, high frequency filter prevents any erratic motor speeds when Tig welding.

Two 6″ x 2″ wheels, with heavy duty axle roller bearings, are driven at identical speeds. Rubber tires provide high load handling capacity and are heat and abrasion resistant.

A “forward-off-reverse” seledor switch; a speed contol dial; and an easily accesssable 2 amp fuse for motor overload protection are located on the front panel.

A covered, on-off foot switch control provides convenience and comfort for the welder working in the shop or welding on-site.

Speed ranges can be easily changed if needed, by manually reversing the gears. When working on the unit, there is a built-in automatic electrical disconnect that prevents shock.

An optional, non-powered, Atlas IDLER ROLL is an ideal mate for supporting the other end of work pieces. Wheel size, wheel stance and tires are identical to those on the PIPEMATE.

A specially designed, heavy duty work stand that will fit the XT-1200 or the XT-IR is also available for welder convenience. (AT-FLS)

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